High Visibility Standards


This standard explains the use of hi-visibility fabrics and retroreflective materials. It specifies the chromaticity levels to which fabrics need to be dyed in terms of performance and atmospheric pressures in order to comply with safety standards. Natural fibre garments have a lower chromaticity level due to the nature of the fabric. However, only when a polyester garment has been deemed a risk to the wearer in certain applications, should cotton or wool be worn in its place.

Class F = Daytime fluorescent
Class R = Retroreflective material
Class RF = Retroreflective and fluorescent
Class NF = High daytime visibility NON Fluorescent


This standard refers to how a garment is constructed using fabrics compliant to 1906.4 above. There has to be over 0.2m2 of unbroken fluoro fabric on both the front and back of a garment in the upper torso (not including the sleeves). The fluoro must not be broken with the non-fluoro fabric within the 0.2m2 area on both the front and back from the top of the shoulders to the waist and MUST encircle the body up to that measurement, so no full side panels up to armpit level are permitted. This standard also explains the position of the retroreflective tapes on the garment and the width and quantity used. These tapes should not detract from the 0.2m2 measurement required.

Class D = Daytime use
Class N = Night time use using retroreflective material
Class D/N = Day/night use


This standard refers to the capability of a fabric to protect skin against solar ultraviolet radiation (known as UPF = ultraviolet protection factor). This standard is an additional bonus to the garment rather than an essential requirement for hi-visibility standards but is often specified by specific industry users.